Coronation Merchant Bank places a strong emphasis on working responsibly. As an entity, we understand that our operations have an impact on the environment, the communities in which we operate and our stakeholders. We believe in carrying out our duties in a socially responsible way.

Our Approach

Coronation Merchant Bank continues to build internal capacity in managing the economic, social and environmental aspects of its operations, guided by a comprehensive Project Sustainability Policy. We conduct environmental and social due diligence on major Credit requests, benchmarking against the performance standards of reputable international finance institutions.

With a commitment to responsibly meeting the needs of our customers and serving society, we firmly believe that sustainable business growth can only be realized through community and societal engagement and involvement.

CSR News

MPC Decision – September 2021

Decision (unanimous)Retain MPR at 11.50% Retain the asymmetric corridor of the MPR at +100 / -700 basis point. Retain CRR at 27.5%. Retain

Disclosures and Disclaimers

This report has been prepared by the Research Department of Coronation Merchant Bank using sources believed to be reliable, trustworthy and factually accurate,

Intricacies of Liquidity Management in Nigeria

In the banking system, liquidity is often referred to as the ability to fund increases in assets and meet the withdrawal of maturing liabilities at a reasonable cost. However, in this paper, we will dwell on the Central Bank of Nigeria’s (CBN) liquidity management of the financial system.

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